

70 produse

  • Reducere -8% Tableta APPLE iPad Pro 11" 4th Gen (2022), 128GB, Wi-Fi, Space Gray, MNXD3LL/A Tableta APPLE iPad Pro 11" 4th Gen (2022), 128GB, Wi-Fi, Space Gray, MNXD3LL/A

    Apple Tableta APPLE iPad Pro 11" 4th Gen (2022), 128GB, Wi-Fi, Space Gray, MNXD3LL/A

    Descriere Tableta APPLE iPad Pro 11" 4th Gen (2022), 128GB, Wi-Fi, Space Gray, MNXD3LL/A Ecran Tip ecran Liquid Retina Dimensiune ecran (inch) 11 Rezolutie (pixeli) 2388 x 1668 Alte detalii LED backlit Multi‑Touch display cu tehnologie IPS, 264ppi, tehnologie ProMotion, Wide color display (P3), True Tone display, Luminozitate 600nits, Reflectivitate 1.8%, suporta Apple Pencil (2nd generation), Apple Pencil hove Procesor Tip procesor Octa Core Producator procesor Apple Model procesor Apple M2 16-core Neural Engine Memorie Capacitate RAM 8 GB Capacitate stocare 128 GB Multimedia Camera principala 12MP Wide, f1.8 + 10MP Ultra-Wide f2.4, FOV 125° Camera secundara 12MP Ultra Wide camera, FOV 122°, ƒ/2.4, Portrait Mode cu Bokeh, Portrait Lighting, Animoji and Memoji, Smart HDR 4, Video 1080p, Time‑lapse video, Cinematic video stabilization, Lens correction, Retina Flash Difuzor Da Microfon Da Tehnologie audio 4 Difuzoare, 5 Microfoane Facilitati 2x optical zoom out, Digital zoom pana la 5x, Five‑element lens (Wide & Ultra Wide), Brighter True Tone flash, Panorama (pana la 63MP), Sapphire crystal lens cover, Autofocus cu Focus Pixels (Wide), Smart HDR 4, Wide color capture for photos and Live Photos, Lens correction (Ultra Wide), Advanced red-eye correction, Photo geotagging, Auto image stabilization, Burst mode, Video 4K, 1080p, 720p, ProRes video recording 4K, 2x optical zoom out, Audio zoom, Brighter True Tone flash, Slo‑mo video, Time‑lapse video with stabilization, Cinematic video stabilization, Continuous autofocus video, Playback zoom, Stereo recording Comunicatii Conectivitate Wi-Fi SIM Nu Wireless Wi‑Fi 6E (802.11ax) with 2x2 MIMO, 2.4GHz & 5GHz Bluetooth 5.3 Porturi Thunderbolt 1 Alimentare Baterie 28.65 Wh Autonomie Pana la 10 ore Software Aplicatii App Store, Calculator, Contacte, FaceTime, iBooks, iTunes, Messages, Music, Photos, Safari, YouTube Informatii suplimentare Senzori Accelerometru, Ambient light sensor, Barometru, E - Compass, Face ID, Giroscop, iBeacon Continut pachet iPad, Cablu USB-C 1m, Adaptor USB-C 20W Altele Greutate (Kg) 0.466 Culoare Gri Dimensiuni (L x A x I cm) 24.76 x 17.85 x 0.59 Garantie Garantie comerciala (persoane juridice) 12 luni Garantie de conformitate (persoane fizice) 24 luni     Performanta uimitoare. Display incredibil de avansat. Conectivitate wireless ultrarapida. Capacitati Apple Pencil de nivel urmator. Noile functii puternice din iPadOS 16. Cea mai buna experienta iPad.   CIP M2 PERFORMANTA DE ULTIMA GENERATIE     Cip M2. Cipul M2 este urmatoarea generatie de cipuri Apple, cu un procesor cu 8 nuclee care ofera o performanta cu pana la 15% mai rapida si un GPU cu 10 nuclee care asigura o performanta grafica cu pana la 35% mai rapida. Cu un Neural Engine cu 40% mai rapid pentru a accelera sarcinile de invatare automata si o latime de banda de memorie cu 50% mai mare, M2 aduce performante uimitoare si noi capabilitati pentru iPad Pro. Astfel, poti crea modele 3D fotorealiste, construi modele AR complexe si poti experimenta jocuri cu grafica de calitate de consola cu rate de refresh ridicate, mai repede ca niciodata. Totul in timp ce te bucuri de o autonomie a bateriei de o zi intreaga.   Un studio complet in mainile tale. Motorul media de inalta performanta de pe M2 accelereaza codificarea si decodificarea ProRes. Poti converti proiecte video in ProRes de pana la 3 ori mai rapid decat inainte. Cu procesorul de semnal de imagine din M2 si camerele avansate de pe iPad Pro, acum poti captura video ProRes. Cinci microfoane de calitate de studio si patru difuzoare audio cu suport pentru Dolby Atmos va permit sa inregistrati si sa oferiti un sunet de calitate.   11" LIQUID RETINA PORTABILITATE PERFECTA LA NIVEL DE PIXELI     Ideal pentru ochi. Usor de transportat. Ecranul Liquid Retina de pe iPad Pro de 11 inchi nu este doar superb si portabil, ci si dotat cu tehnologii incredibil de avansate, cum ar fi ProMotion, True Tone, P3 wide color si reflectivitatea ultra-redusa, care fac ca totul sa fie receptiv si sa arate uimitor.     IPADOS 16 EXTINDETI CEEA CE ESTE POSIBIL   Modalitati imbunatatite de lucru. iPadOS 16 iti ofera noi modalitati remarcabile de a face mai mult ca niciodata. Noile aplicatii desktop-class iti fac ziua de lucru mai productiva. Redimensioneaza si suprapune aplicatiile pentru a face multitasking ca un profesionist cu Stage Manager. Conecteaza un ecran extern, cu rezolutii de pana la 6K, pentru a avea si mai mult spatiu pentru toate aplicatiile tale.     SISTEM DE CAMERECAPTURATI SI CONECTATILA UN NIVEL MAI PROFUND     Selfie Camera. iPad Pro dispune de o camera Ultra Wide cu senzor de 12 MP si un camp vizual de 122 de grade, perfecta pentru capturarea de fotografii si clipuri video pentru postari sociale, apeluri FaceTime cu Center Stage sau selfie-uri epice in mod Portret, functionand impreuna cu camera TrueDepth pentru a debloca in siguranta iPad Pro cu Face ID.     Center Stage. Utilizand camera Ultra Wide si invatarea automata, Center Stage schimba modul in care participati la apelurile video. Pe masura ce va deplasati, se ajusteaza automat pentru a va mentine centrat in cadru. Atunci cand alte persoane se alatura sau parasesc apelul, vizualizarea se extinde sau se mareste. Center Stage functioneaza cu FaceTime si cu alte aplicatii de conferinte video pentru o experienta si mai captivanta.     Camere profesionale. Camerele avansate Wide si Ultra Wide va ajuta sa realizati fotografia sau videoclipul perfect. Iar acum, cu suport pentru captura video ProRes, iPad Pro este un studio video mobil complet. ISP-ul mai puternic din cipul M2 suporta, de asemenea, Smart HDR 4, astfel incat fotografiile realizate pe iPad sa arate si mai realist.     LiDAR. Scanerul LiDAR masoara cat timp ii ia luminii sa se reflecte inapoi de la obiecte, astfel incat poate crea o harta de adancime a oricarui spatiu in care va aflati si poate debloca experiente AR imersive. De asemenea, functioneaza impreuna cu puternicul ISP pentru a focaliza cu mai multa precizie imaginile si videoclipurile in conditii de iluminare slaba si pentru a reduce timpul de captura.     WI-FI 6E SI 5G PRIETENI RAPIZI   Conexiuni extrem de rapide. iPad a fost intotdeauna un dispozitiv portabil unic, cu optiuni Wi-Fi si celulare ultrarapide. Cu Wi-Fi 6E, ai cea mai rapida conexiune wireless disponibila. Asa ca vei obtine transferuri mai rapide de fotografii, documente si fisiere video mari.     5G. Cu capacitatile 5G va puteti conecta la cele mai rapide retele wireless atunci cand aveti nevoie sa descarcati fisiere, sa difuzati filme, sa colaborati cu ceilalti colegi si sa incarcati continut in miscare. iPad Pro are cele mai multe benzi 5G dintre toate dispozitivele de acest tip - astfel incat poate primi 5G in mai multe locuri.     TASTATURA MAGICA. APPLE PENCIL POSIBILITATI NELIMITATE   Accesorii profesionale. Apple Pencil, Magic Keyboard si Smart Keyboard Folio deschid si mai multe moduri de a folosi iPad Pro. Deseneaza o capodopera, ia notite sau intocmeste un plan de afaceri. Aceste accesorii versatile sunt concepute pentru a-ti duce munca si creativitatea la urmatorul nivel.   Apple Pencil. Cu puterea Apple Pencil (2nd generation), iPad Pro se transforma intr-o panza de desen imersiva si in cel mai bun dispozitiv de luat notite din lume. Acesta stabileste standardul pentru modul in care ar trebui sa se simta desenul, marcarea documentelor si chiar completarea campurilor de text - intuitiv, precis si magic.   O noua dimensiune a Apple Pencil. Hover va locul unde este plasat Apple Pencil pe ecran. Astfel, poti scrie, schita si ilustra cu o precizie si mai mare. Priviti cum aplicatiile si widgeturile se extind pe Home Screen pe masura ce va deplasati peste ele. Previzualizeaza-ti marcajul inainte de a-l face. Vezi cum se amesteca acuarelele tale inainte de a picta. Apple Pencil hover face ca tot ceea ce faci cu Apple Pencil sa fie si mai usor.   Atunci cand Apple Pencil pluteste deasupra ecranului, semnalele electromagnetice emise de varf sunt detectate de ecran la o distanta de pana la 12 mm. M2 interpreteaza instantaneu aceste semnale si determina pozitia Apple Pencil in trei dimensiuni. Magic Keyboard ofera o experienta de tastare receptiva si un trackpad incorporat care iti ofera mai multe modalitati de a lucra cu iPadOS. Asa ca poti scrie un roman, poti scrie o lucrare sau iti poti verifica email-ul si cu ajutorul tastelor retroiluminate poti sa lucrezi in orice lumina.   APLICATII UIMITOARE PENTRU ORICE FLUX DE LUCRU   Aplicatii incorporate si aplicatii din App Store. Poti face lucruri extraordinare cu aplicatiile concepute special pentru iPad. iPad Pro dispune de aplicatii esentiale concepute de Apple, precum Safari, Messages si Keynote. Peste un milion de alte aplicatii sunt disponibile in App Store.  

    5.211,00 lei4.780,99 lei

  • Reducere -6% Tableta Apple iPad 10 (2022) 10.9 inch 64GB Wifi Pink, MPQ33LL/A Tableta Apple iPad 10 (2022) 10.9 inch 64GB Wifi Pink, MPQ33LL/A

    Apple Tableta Apple iPad 10 (2022) 10.9 inch 64GB Wifi Pink, MPQ33LL/A

    DESCRIERE Tableta Apple iPad 10 (2022) 10.9 inch 64GB Wifi Pink, MPQ33LL/A   Adorabil. Remarcabil. Irezistibil. Scrie de mana. Deseneaza. Tasteaza. Oriunde te-ai afla. iPad este conceput pentru toate activitatile pe care le indragesti. Fa cunostinta cu noul iPad, complet reproiectat. Un design colorat cu ecran Liquid Retina de 10,9 inchi dintr-o margine in cealalta. Functioneaza cu accesorii cotidiene esentiale, precum noul Magic Keyboard Folio si Apple Pencil (prima generatie). Graba care nu strica treaba Lucreaza la mai multe sarcini in paralel, colaboreaza cu altii si treci rapid dintr-o aplicatie in alta cu puternicul cip A14 Bionic si autonomia bateriei pentru toata ziua. Creeaza in voie Exprima-te, deseneaza si exploreaza idei pe ecranul fascinant cu Apple Pencil. Filmeaza, editeaza si partajeaza continut, totul de pe iPad. Creeaza proiecte audio folosind microfoanele integrate si difuzoarele stereo in modul peisaj. Tine legatura. Ramai in prim‑plan. Bucura-te de apeluri video mai naturale utilizand camera frontala in mod peisaj cu functionalitatea Scena centrala. Pastreaza legatura cu colegii si cu cei dragi prin conexiunile Wi-Fi 6 si 5G. Priveste. Invata. Treci la nivelul urmator. Vizioneaza filmer in streaming, invata de la maestri si participa la jocuri multiplayer pe ecranul generos. Scufunda-te si mai mult in profunzimile AR. Mazgaleste relaxat. Tasteaza concentrat. Tasteaza confortabil si ocupa-te de sarcinile care necesita precizie maxima folosind Magic Keyboard Folio. Schiteaza, ia notite si adnoteaza documente cu Apple Pencil. iPadOS si aplicatii. Pentru orice iti imaginezi. Colaboreaza cu colegii in Mesaje, partajeaza poze si clipuri video cu familia, vizioneaza si joaca-te impreuna cu prietenii prin SharePlay. iPadOS este puternic, usor de utilizat si conceput pentru polivalenta oferita de iPad.   SPECIFICATII Acumulator Autonomie : 10 h Baterie: Nu Tip baterie: Li-Ion Stocare Memorie externa: 64 GB Display Diagonala LCD: 10.9 inch Rezolutie optima: 2360 x 1640 Tip display: IPS Multimedia Altele: Redare audio: Apple LosslessRedare audio: Dolby DigitalRedare audio: Dolby Digital Plus si Dolby AtmosRedare audio: FLACRedare audio: MP3Redare audio: AACRedare video: 25Redare video: 30 si 60 FPS)Redare video: Dolby VisionRedare video: H.264Redare video: HDR10Redare video: HEVCRedare video: Inregistrare video la 4K (24 Camera: 12 Mpx Photo Support: GIFHEIFJPEGJPGTIFF Rezolutie camera frontala 12 Mpx Conectivitate Alte porturi: 1 x USB-C Bluetooth: 5.2 Wireless 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6Dual Band(2.4Ghz si 5Ghz) Caracteristici Generale Altele: Continut pachet: 1 x Adaptor alimentare USB-C 20WContinut pachet: 1 x Apple iPadContinut pachet: 1 x Cablu de incarcare USB-CMaterial: AluminiuVersiune sistem operare: iPadOS 16 Caracteristici: Sistem de operare: iOS Conectori: Fara SIM Culoare: Roz Dimensiuni (W x D x H mm): 7 mm Dimensiuni (W x H x D mm): 179.5 mm Greutate (Kg): 477 g Senzor: AccelerometerAmprentaBarometruCompasGyro Tip: Display cu acoperire oleofobicaDisplay cu sticla rezistenta la zgarieturi Procesor Frecventa Memorie RAM: 1.8 GHz3 GHz Model Procesor: A14 BionicApple Numar nuclee 6 Tehnologie de fabricatie (nm): 5 nm

    2.856,99 lei2.686,99 lei

  • iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 8 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Albastru iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 8 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Albastru

    Apple iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 8 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Albastru

    Detalii Packed with more juice. The ultimate all‑in‑one computer, now supercharged by the M3 chip. With a stunning 24‑inch display◊Refer to legal disclaimers that gives you all the space you need and an iconic design that livens up any space. Seven vibrant colors.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Get it all done with flying colors. Up to 2x faster than iMac with M1 chip◊Refer to legal disclaimers Up to 4x faster than the most powerful Intel-based 21.5‑inch iMac model◊Refer to legal disclaimers 4.5K Retina display. Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio More ports.More possibilities. Thunderbolt / USB 4 Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers Bluetooth 5.3 iMac + iPhone. Quite the pair. Magic accessories included. Poof. Touch ID◊Refer to legal disclaimers New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    7.737,99 lei

  • Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14, Apple M4, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 16GB, SSD 512GB, 10-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Space Black Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14, Apple M4, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 16GB, SSD 512GB, 10-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Space Black

    Apple Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14, Apple M4, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 16GB, SSD 512GB, 10-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Space Black

    Descriere Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14 mw2w3ro/a, Apple M4, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 16GB, SSD 512GB, 10-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Silver Ecran Tip ecran LED Rezolutie 3024 x 1964 Dimensiune ecran 14 inch Ecran Touch Nu Rata refresh 120 Hz Finisaj ecran Lucios Alte caracteristici display Liquid Retina XDR; 254 ppi; 1000 nits; Contrast 1.000.000:1; Wide color (P3); True Tone Procesor Tip procesor Apple M4 Producator procesor Apple Numar nuclee 10 Procesor grafic integrat 10-core GPU Memorie RAM Capacitate RAM 16 GB Memorie maxima 16 GB On board 16 GB Unitate stocare Tip stocare SSD Capacitate stocare 512 GB Placa video Producator chipset video Apple Tip placa video Integrata Procesor video 10-core GPU Multimedia Difuzoare 6 High-fidelity Tehnologie audio Dolby Atmos Microfon 3 Unitate optica Fara unitate optica Webcam FaceTime Full HD Rezolutie (MP) 12 Comunicatii Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 ax) Bluetooth v5.3 Porturi HDMI 1 MagSafe Da Thunderbolt / USB-C 3 x Thunderbolt (USB 4): incarcare, DisplayPort, Thunderbolt 4 (max. 40Gb/s), USB 4 (max. 40Gb/s) Iesire audio 1 port casti Cititor de carduri SDXC Alimentare Baterie Litiu-Polymer Autonomie baterie (ore) Navigare wireless pe internet: pana la 16; Video streaming: pana la 24 Software Sistem operare Mac OS Altele Sequoia Informatii suplimentare Tastatura iluminata Da Tastatura numerica Nu Layout tastatura RO Securitate Touch ID Continut pachet MacBook Pro, Adaptor de alimentare USB‑C de 70 W, Cablu USB-C la MagSafe 3 (2m), Documentatie Senzori Ambient light sensor Carcasa Aluminiu Facilitati Trackpad Force Touch pentru controlul precis al cursorului si capacitati de detectare a apasarii; permite Force click, acceleratoare, desen sensibil la presiune si gesturi Multi-Touch Altele Culoare Argintiu Dimensiuni (L x A x I cm) 31.26 x 22.12 x 1.55 Greutate (Kg) 1.55

    9.249,00 lei

  • Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14 mw2w3ro/a, Apple M4, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 16GB, SSD 512GB, 10-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Silver Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14 mw2w3ro/a, Apple M4, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 16GB, SSD 512GB, 10-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Silver

    Apple Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14 mw2w3ro/a, Apple M4, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 16GB, SSD 512GB, 10-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Silver

    Descriere Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14 mw2w3ro/a, Apple M4, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 16GB, SSD 512GB, 10-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Silver Ecran Tip ecran LED Rezolutie 3024 x 1964 Dimensiune ecran 14 inch Ecran Touch Nu Rata refresh 120 Hz Finisaj ecran Lucios Alte caracteristici display Liquid Retina XDR; 254 ppi; 1000 nits; Contrast 1.000.000:1; Wide color (P3); True Tone Procesor Tip procesor Apple M4 Producator procesor Apple Numar nuclee 10 Procesor grafic integrat 10-core GPU Memorie RAM Capacitate RAM 16 GB Memorie maxima 16 GB On board 16 GB Unitate stocare Tip stocare SSD Capacitate stocare 512 GB Placa video Producator chipset video Apple Tip placa video Integrata Procesor video 10-core GPU Multimedia Difuzoare 6 High-fidelity Tehnologie audio Dolby Atmos Microfon 3 Unitate optica Fara unitate optica Webcam FaceTime Full HD Rezolutie (MP) 12 Comunicatii Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 ax) Bluetooth v5.3 Porturi HDMI 1 MagSafe Da Thunderbolt / USB-C 3 x Thunderbolt (USB 4): incarcare, DisplayPort, Thunderbolt 4 (max. 40Gb/s), USB 4 (max. 40Gb/s) Iesire audio 1 port casti Cititor de carduri SDXC Alimentare Baterie Litiu-Polymer Autonomie baterie (ore) Navigare wireless pe internet: pana la 16; Video streaming: pana la 24 Software Sistem operare Mac OS Altele Sequoia Informatii suplimentare Tastatura iluminata Da Tastatura numerica Nu Layout tastatura RO Securitate Touch ID Continut pachet MacBook Pro, Adaptor de alimentare USB‑C de 70 W, Cablu USB-C la MagSafe 3 (2m), Documentatie Senzori Ambient light sensor Carcasa Aluminiu Facilitati Trackpad Force Touch pentru controlul precis al cursorului si capacitati de detectare a apasarii; permite Force click, acceleratoare, desen sensibil la presiune si gesturi Multi-Touch Altele Culoare Argintiu Dimensiuni (L x A x I cm) 31.26 x 22.12 x 1.55 Greutate (Kg) 1.55

    9.249,00 lei

  • Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14, Apple M4 Max, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 36GB, SSD 1TB, 32-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Silver Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14, Apple M4 Max, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 36GB, SSD 1TB, 32-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Silver

    Apple Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14, Apple M4 Max, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 36GB, SSD 1TB, 32-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Silver

    Descriere Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14, Apple M4 Max, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 36GB, SSD 1TB, 32-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Silver Ecran Tip ecran LED Rezolutie 3024 x 1964 Dimensiune ecran 14 inch Ecran Touch Nu Rata refresh 120 Hz Finisaj ecran Lucios Alte caracteristici display Liquid Retina XDR; 254 ppi; 1000 nits; Contrast 1.000.000:1; Wide color (P3); True Tone Procesor Tip procesor Apple M4 Max Producator procesor Apple Numar nuclee 14 Procesor grafic integrat 32-core GPU Memorie RAM Capacitate RAM 36 GB Memorie maxima 36 GB On board 36 GB Unitate stocare Tip stocare SSD Capacitate stocare 1000 GB Placa video Producator chipset video Apple Tip placa video Integrata Procesor video 36-core GPU Multimedia Difuzoare 6 High-fidelity Tehnologie audio Dolby Atmos Microfon 3 Unitate optica Fara unitate optica Webcam FaceTime Full HD Rezolutie (MP) 12 Comunicatii Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 ax) Bluetooth v5.3 Porturi HDMI 1 MagSafe Da Thunderbolt / USB-C 3 x Thunderbolt (USB 4): incarcare, DisplayPort, Thunderbolt 5 (max. 120Gb/s), USB 4 (max. 40Gb/s) Iesire audio 1 port casti Cititor de carduri SDXC Alimentare Baterie Litiu-Polymer Autonomie baterie (ore) Navigare wireless pe internet: pana la 13; Video streaming: pana la 18 Software Sistem operare Mac OS Altele Sequoia Informatii suplimentare Tastatura iluminata Da Tastatura numerica Nu Layout tastatura RO Securitate Touch ID Continut pachet MacBook Pro, Adaptor de alimentare USB‑C de 96 W, Cablu USB-C la MagSafe 3 (2m), Documentatie Senzori Ambient light sensor Carcasa Aluminiu Facilitati Trackpad Force Touch pentru controlul precis al cursorului si capacitati de detectare a apasarii; permite Force click, acceleratoare, desen sensibil la presiune si gesturi Multi-Touch Altele Culoare Negru Dimensiuni (L x A x I cm) 31.26 x 22.12 x 1.55 Greutate (Kg) 1.62

    18.546,00 lei

  • Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14 mx2k3ro/a, Apple M4 Max, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 36GB, SSD 1TB, 32-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Space Black Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14 mx2k3ro/a, Apple M4 Max, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 36GB, SSD 1TB, 32-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Space Black

    Apple Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14 mx2k3ro/a, Apple M4 Max, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 36GB, SSD 1TB, 32-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Space Black

    Descriere Laptop APPLE MacBook Pro 14 mx2k3ro/a, Apple M4 Max, 14.2" Liquid Retina XDR, 36GB, SSD 1TB, 32-core GPU, macOS Sequoia, Space Black Ecran Tip ecran LED Rezolutie 3024 x 1964 Dimensiune ecran 14 inch Ecran Touch Nu Rata refresh 120 Hz Finisaj ecran Lucios Alte caracteristici display Liquid Retina XDR; 254 ppi; 1000 nits; Contrast 1.000.000:1; Wide color (P3); True Tone Procesor Tip procesor Apple M4 Max Producator procesor Apple Numar nuclee 14 Procesor grafic integrat 32-core GPU Memorie RAM Capacitate RAM 36 GB Memorie maxima 36 GB On board 36 GB Unitate stocare Tip stocare SSD Capacitate stocare 1000 GB Placa video Producator chipset video Apple Tip placa video Integrata Procesor video 36-core GPU Multimedia Difuzoare 6 High-fidelity Tehnologie audio Dolby Atmos Microfon 3 Unitate optica Fara unitate optica Webcam FaceTime Full HD Rezolutie (MP) 12 Comunicatii Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 ax) Bluetooth v5.3 Porturi HDMI 1 MagSafe Da Thunderbolt / USB-C 3 x Thunderbolt (USB 4): incarcare, DisplayPort, Thunderbolt 5 (max. 120Gb/s), USB 4 (max. 40Gb/s) Iesire audio 1 port casti Cititor de carduri SDXC Alimentare Baterie Litiu-Polymer Autonomie baterie (ore) Navigare wireless pe internet: pana la 13; Video streaming: pana la 18 Software Sistem operare Mac OS Altele Sequoia Informatii suplimentare Tastatura iluminata Da Tastatura numerica Nu Layout tastatura RO Securitate Touch ID Continut pachet MacBook Pro, Adaptor de alimentare USB‑C de 96 W, Cablu USB-C la MagSafe 3 (2m), Documentatie Senzori Ambient light sensor Carcasa Aluminiu Facilitati Trackpad Force Touch pentru controlul precis al cursorului si capacitati de detectare a apasarii; permite Force click, acceleratoare, desen sensibil la presiune si gesturi Multi-Touch Altele Culoare Negru Dimensiuni (L x A x I cm) 31.26 x 22.12 x 1.55 Greutate (Kg) 1.62

    18.546,00 lei

  • MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3 Pro, 11 nuclee CPU si 14 nuclee GPU, 18GB, 512GB SSD, Silver MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3 Pro, 11 nuclee CPU si 14 nuclee GPU, 18GB, 512GB SSD, Silver

    Apple MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3 Pro, 11 nuclee CPU si 14 nuclee GPU, 18GB, 512GB SSD, Silver

    Detalii Mind‑blowing. Head‑turning. Game‑changing performance. Next‑level graphics.Up to 22 hours of battery life.◊Refer to legal disclaimers And now available in Space Black. Three new chips. Three giant leaps. 8‑core CPU 10‑core GPU Up to 24GB unified memory Up to 12‑core CPU Up to 18‑core GPU Up to 36GB unified memory Up to 16‑core CPU Up to 40‑core GPU Up to 128GB unified memory Amps up apps. Up to 22 hours of battery life.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Liquid Retina XDR display. 600 nits SDR brightness 1000 nits sustained brightness 1600 nits peak brightness Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio Pro ports. Fast connections. MacBook Pro 14″ with M3 Pro chip Thunderbolt,◊Refer to legal disclaimers HDMI, SDXC, MagSafe, headphone jack, support for Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers and Bluetooth 5.3 Magic Keyboard with Touch ID. Touch ID New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    12.204,99 lei

  • MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3 Pro, 11 nuclee CPU si 14 nuclee GPU, 18GB, 512GB SSD, Space Black MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3 Pro, 11 nuclee CPU si 14 nuclee GPU, 18GB, 512GB SSD, Space Black

    Apple MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3 Pro, 11 nuclee CPU si 14 nuclee GPU, 18GB, 512GB SSD, Space Black

    Detalii Mind‑blowing. Head‑turning. Game‑changing performance. Next‑level graphics.Up to 22 hours of battery life.◊Refer to legal disclaimers And now available in Space Black. Three new chips. Three giant leaps. 8‑core CPU 10‑core GPU Up to 24GB unified memory Up to 12‑core CPU Up to 18‑core GPU Up to 36GB unified memory Up to 16‑core CPU Up to 40‑core GPU Up to 128GB unified memory Amps up apps. Up to 22 hours of battery life.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Liquid Retina XDR display. 600 nits SDR brightness 1000 nits sustained brightness 1600 nits peak brightness Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio Pro ports. Fast connections. MacBook Pro 14″ with M3 Pro chip Thunderbolt,◊Refer to legal disclaimers HDMI, SDXC, MagSafe, headphone jack, support for Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers and Bluetooth 5.3 Magic Keyboard with Touch ID. Touch ID New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    12.204,99 lei

  • MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 8GB, 1TB SSD, Space Grey MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 8GB, 1TB SSD, Space Grey

    Apple MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 8GB, 1TB SSD, Space Grey

    Detalii Mind‑blowing. Head‑turning. Game‑changing performance. Next‑level graphics.Up to 22 hours of battery life.◊Refer to legal disclaimers And now available in Space Black. Three new chips. Three giant leaps. 8‑core CPU 10‑core GPU Up to 24GB unified memory Up to 12‑core CPU Up to 18‑core GPU Up to 36GB unified memory Up to 16‑core CPU Up to 40‑core GPU Up to 128GB unified memory Amps up apps. Up to 22 hours of battery life.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Liquid Retina XDR display. 600 nits SDR brightness 1000 nits sustained brightness 1600 nits peak brightness Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio Pro ports. Fast connections. MacBook Pro 14″ with M3 Pro chip Thunderbolt,◊Refer to legal disclaimers HDMI, SDXC, MagSafe, headphone jack, support for Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers and Bluetooth 5.3 Magic Keyboard with Touch ID. Touch ID New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    10.671,99 lei

  • MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 8GB, 1TB SSD, Silver MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 8GB, 1TB SSD, Silver

    Apple MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 8GB, 1TB SSD, Silver

    Detalii Mind‑blowing. Head‑turning. Game‑changing performance. Next‑level graphics.Up to 22 hours of battery life.◊Refer to legal disclaimers And now available in Space Black. Three new chips. Three giant leaps. 8‑core CPU 10‑core GPU Up to 24GB unified memory Up to 12‑core CPU Up to 18‑core GPU Up to 36GB unified memory Up to 16‑core CPU Up to 40‑core GPU Up to 128GB unified memory Amps up apps. Up to 22 hours of battery life.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Liquid Retina XDR display. 600 nits SDR brightness 1000 nits sustained brightness 1600 nits peak brightness Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio Pro ports. Fast connections. MacBook Pro 14″ with M3 Pro chip Thunderbolt,◊Refer to legal disclaimers HDMI, SDXC, MagSafe, headphone jack, support for Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers and Bluetooth 5.3 Magic Keyboard with Touch ID. Touch ID New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    10.671,99 lei

  • MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 8GB, 512GB SSD, Silver MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 8GB, 512GB SSD, Silver

    Apple MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 8GB, 512GB SSD, Silver

    Detalii Mind‑blowing. Head‑turning. Game‑changing performance. Next‑level graphics.Up to 22 hours of battery life.◊Refer to legal disclaimers And now available in Space Black. Three new chips. Three giant leaps. 8‑core CPU 10‑core GPU Up to 24GB unified memory Up to 12‑core CPU Up to 18‑core GPU Up to 36GB unified memory Up to 16‑core CPU Up to 40‑core GPU Up to 128GB unified memory Amps up apps. Up to 22 hours of battery life.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Liquid Retina XDR display. 600 nits SDR brightness 1000 nits sustained brightness 1600 nits peak brightness Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio Pro ports. Fast connections. MacBook Pro 14″ with M3 Pro chip Thunderbolt,◊Refer to legal disclaimers HDMI, SDXC, MagSafe, headphone jack, support for Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers and Bluetooth 5.3 Magic Keyboard with Touch ID. Touch ID New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    9.655,99 lei

  • MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 8 GB, 512GB SSD, Space Grey MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 8 GB, 512GB SSD, Space Grey

    Apple MacBook Pro 14", procesor Apple M3, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 8 GB, 512GB SSD, Space Grey

    Detalii Mind‑blowing. Head‑turning. Game‑changing performance. Next‑level graphics.Up to 22 hours of battery life.◊Refer to legal disclaimers And now available in Space Black. Three new chips. Three giant leaps. 8‑core CPU 10‑core GPU Up to 24GB unified memory Up to 12‑core CPU Up to 18‑core GPU Up to 36GB unified memory Up to 16‑core CPU Up to 40‑core GPU Up to 128GB unified memory Amps up apps. Up to 22 hours of battery life.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Liquid Retina XDR display. 600 nits SDR brightness 1000 nits sustained brightness 1600 nits peak brightness Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio Pro ports. Fast connections. MacBook Pro 14″ with M3 Pro chip Thunderbolt,◊Refer to legal disclaimers HDMI, SDXC, MagSafe, headphone jack, support for Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers and Bluetooth 5.3 Magic Keyboard with Touch ID. Touch ID New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    9.655,99 lei

  • iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 512GB SSD, Albastru iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 512GB SSD, Albastru

    Apple iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 512GB SSD, Albastru

    Detalii Packed with more juice. The ultimate all‑in‑one computer, now supercharged by the M3 chip. With a stunning 24‑inch display◊Refer to legal disclaimers that gives you all the space you need and an iconic design that livens up any space. Seven vibrant colors.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Get it all done with flying colors. Up to 2x faster than iMac with M1 chip◊Refer to legal disclaimers Up to 4x faster than the most powerful Intel-based 21.5‑inch iMac model◊Refer to legal disclaimers 4.5K Retina display. Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio More ports.More possibilities. Thunderbolt / USB 4 Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers Bluetooth 5.3 iMac + iPhone. Quite the pair. Magic accessories included. Poof. Touch ID◊Refer to legal disclaimers New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    9.768,99 lei

  • iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 512GB SSD, Verde iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 512GB SSD, Verde

    Apple iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 512GB SSD, Verde

    Detalii Packed with more juice. The ultimate all‑in‑one computer, now supercharged by the M3 chip. With a stunning 24‑inch display◊Refer to legal disclaimers that gives you all the space you need and an iconic design that livens up any space. Seven vibrant colors.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Get it all done with flying colors. Up to 2x faster than iMac with M1 chip◊Refer to legal disclaimers Up to 4x faster than the most powerful Intel-based 21.5‑inch iMac model◊Refer to legal disclaimers 4.5K Retina display. Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio More ports.More possibilities. Thunderbolt / USB 4 Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers Bluetooth 5.3 iMac + iPhone. Quite the pair. Magic accessories included. Poof. Touch ID◊Refer to legal disclaimers New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    9.768,99 lei

  • iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 512GB SSD, Silver iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 512GB SSD, Silver

    Apple iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 512GB SSD, Silver

    Detalii Packed with more juice. The ultimate all‑in‑one computer, now supercharged by the M3 chip. With a stunning 24‑inch display◊Refer to legal disclaimers that gives you all the space you need and an iconic design that livens up any space. Seven vibrant colors.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Get it all done with flying colors. Up to 2x faster than iMac with M1 chip◊Refer to legal disclaimers Up to 4x faster than the most powerful Intel-based 21.5‑inch iMac model◊Refer to legal disclaimers 4.5K Retina display. Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio More ports.More possibilities. Thunderbolt / USB 4 Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers Bluetooth 5.3 iMac + iPhone. Quite the pair. Magic accessories included. Poof. Touch ID◊Refer to legal disclaimers New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    9.768,99 lei

  • iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 512GB SSD, Roz iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 512GB SSD, Roz

    Apple iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 512GB SSD, Roz

    Detalii Packed with more juice. The ultimate all‑in‑one computer, now supercharged by the M3 chip. With a stunning 24‑inch display◊Refer to legal disclaimers that gives you all the space you need and an iconic design that livens up any space. Seven vibrant colors.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Get it all done with flying colors. Up to 2x faster than iMac with M1 chip◊Refer to legal disclaimers Up to 4x faster than the most powerful Intel-based 21.5‑inch iMac model◊Refer to legal disclaimers 4.5K Retina display. Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio More ports.More possibilities. Thunderbolt / USB 4 Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers Bluetooth 5.3 iMac + iPhone. Quite the pair. Magic accessories included. Poof. Touch ID◊Refer to legal disclaimers New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    9.768,99 lei

  • iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Albastru iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Albastru

    Apple iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Albastru

    Detalii Packed with more juice. The ultimate all‑in‑one computer, now supercharged by the M3 chip. With a stunning 24‑inch display◊Refer to legal disclaimers that gives you all the space you need and an iconic design that livens up any space. Seven vibrant colors.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Get it all done with flying colors. Up to 2x faster than iMac with M1 chip◊Refer to legal disclaimers Up to 4x faster than the most powerful Intel-based 21.5‑inch iMac model◊Refer to legal disclaimers 4.5K Retina display. Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio More ports.More possibilities. Thunderbolt / USB 4 Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers Bluetooth 5.3 iMac + iPhone. Quite the pair. Magic accessories included. Poof. Touch ID◊Refer to legal disclaimers New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    8.752,99 lei

  • iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Verde iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Verde

    Apple iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Verde

    Detalii Packed with more juice. The ultimate all‑in‑one computer, now supercharged by the M3 chip. With a stunning 24‑inch display◊Refer to legal disclaimers that gives you all the space you need and an iconic design that livens up any space. Seven vibrant colors.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Get it all done with flying colors. Up to 2x faster than iMac with M1 chip◊Refer to legal disclaimers Up to 4x faster than the most powerful Intel-based 21.5‑inch iMac model◊Refer to legal disclaimers 4.5K Retina display. Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio More ports.More possibilities. Thunderbolt / USB 4 Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers Bluetooth 5.3 iMac + iPhone. Quite the pair. Magic accessories included. Poof. Touch ID◊Refer to legal disclaimers New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    8.752,99 lei

  • iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Silver iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Silver

    Apple iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Silver

    Detalii Packed with more juice. The ultimate all‑in‑one computer, now supercharged by the M3 chip. With a stunning 24‑inch display◊Refer to legal disclaimers that gives you all the space you need and an iconic design that livens up any space. Seven vibrant colors.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Get it all done with flying colors. Up to 2x faster than iMac with M1 chip◊Refer to legal disclaimers Up to 4x faster than the most powerful Intel-based 21.5‑inch iMac model◊Refer to legal disclaimers 4.5K Retina display. Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio More ports.More possibilities. Thunderbolt / USB 4 Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers Bluetooth 5.3 iMac + iPhone. Quite the pair. Magic accessories included. Poof. Touch ID◊Refer to legal disclaimers New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    8.752,99 lei

  • iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Roz iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Roz

    Apple iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 10 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Roz

    Detalii Packed with more juice. The ultimate all‑in‑one computer, now supercharged by the M3 chip. With a stunning 24‑inch display◊Refer to legal disclaimers that gives you all the space you need and an iconic design that livens up any space. Seven vibrant colors.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Get it all done with flying colors. Up to 2x faster than iMac with M1 chip◊Refer to legal disclaimers Up to 4x faster than the most powerful Intel-based 21.5‑inch iMac model◊Refer to legal disclaimers 4.5K Retina display. Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio More ports.More possibilities. Thunderbolt / USB 4 Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers Bluetooth 5.3 iMac + iPhone. Quite the pair. Magic accessories included. Poof. Touch ID◊Refer to legal disclaimers New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    8.752,99 lei

  • iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 8 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Argintiu iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 8 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Argintiu

    Apple iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 8 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Argintiu

    Detalii Packed with more juice. The ultimate all‑in‑one computer, now supercharged by the M3 chip. With a stunning 24‑inch display◊Refer to legal disclaimers that gives you all the space you need and an iconic design that livens up any space. Seven vibrant colors.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Get it all done with flying colors. Up to 2x faster than iMac with M1 chip◊Refer to legal disclaimers Up to 4x faster than the most powerful Intel-based 21.5‑inch iMac model◊Refer to legal disclaimers 4.5K Retina display. Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio More ports.More possibilities. Thunderbolt / USB 4 Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers Bluetooth 5.3 iMac + iPhone. Quite the pair. Magic accessories included. Poof. Touch ID◊Refer to legal disclaimers New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    7.737,99 lei

  • iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 8 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Verde iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 8 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Verde

    Apple iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 8 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Verde

    Detalii Packed with more juice. The ultimate all‑in‑one computer, now supercharged by the M3 chip. With a stunning 24‑inch display◊Refer to legal disclaimers that gives you all the space you need and an iconic design that livens up any space. Seven vibrant colors.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Get it all done with flying colors. Up to 2x faster than iMac with M1 chip◊Refer to legal disclaimers Up to 4x faster than the most powerful Intel-based 21.5‑inch iMac model◊Refer to legal disclaimers 4.5K Retina display. Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio More ports.More possibilities. Thunderbolt / USB 4 Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers Bluetooth 5.3 iMac + iPhone. Quite the pair. Magic accessories included. Poof. Touch ID◊Refer to legal disclaimers New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    7.737,99 lei

  • iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 8 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Roz iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 8 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Roz

    Apple iMac 24" cu procesor Apple M3, 24", Retina 4.5K, 8 nuclee CPU si 8 nuclee GPU, 256GB SSD, Roz

    Detalii Packed with more juice. The ultimate all‑in‑one computer, now supercharged by the M3 chip. With a stunning 24‑inch display◊Refer to legal disclaimers that gives you all the space you need and an iconic design that livens up any space. Seven vibrant colors.◊Refer to legal disclaimers Get it all done with flying colors. Up to 2x faster than iMac with M1 chip◊Refer to legal disclaimers Up to 4x faster than the most powerful Intel-based 21.5‑inch iMac model◊Refer to legal disclaimers 4.5K Retina display. Advanced camera and audio. 1080p FaceTime HD camera Studio‑quality three‑mic array Six‑speaker sound system with Spatial Audio More ports.More possibilities. Thunderbolt / USB 4 Wi‑Fi 6E◊Refer to legal disclaimers Bluetooth 5.3 iMac + iPhone. Quite the pair. Magic accessories included. Poof. Touch ID◊Refer to legal disclaimers New to Mac? Mac does that. Easy to learn. Mac is designed to be easy to learn and use — so you can start doing what you love in no time at all. Superfast. The combination of Apple silicon and macOS means Mac delivers incredible power and speed to everything you do. Built to last. With a durable aluminum enclosure and free software updates, Mac is in it for the long haul — inside and out.

    7.737,99 lei

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